Learning the great Aussie game: why Auskick is so good for kids
- Written by NewsServices.com

If you grew up in any footy loving state, chances are you played a bit of Auskick. The ultimate introduction to Aussie rules, Auskick is designed as a way to help kids enjoy this awesome sport whilst learning all about its rules and regulations!
There are many reasons why playing junior footy - including that of Auskick - is great for kids. Here, we are going to talk about those reasons, to help you decide if this awesome Aussie passtime is right for your little superstar:
It’s the best introduction to the game
Where would kids football be without Auskick? If you ever enjoyed it growing up you will know just how much fun it was and how much you learned through all those exciting activities! It is, easily, the best introduction to the wonderful game of AFL. The sport can be quite difficult to pick up as a kid, especially as it contains a lot of rules and regulations that are better to pick up before joining a local club.
As such, there is no better way to teach youngsters about how to kick, handpass, tackle, bump and mark than through the great youngster passtime of Auskick. They will learn the ropes of this exciting sport and be able to take what they learned straight through to their first junior team, ensuring they will already know their way around the field like a young Juddy!
It’s a great social event
Getting down to Auskick on a Saturday is one of the greatest ways for youngsters to socialise before they can actually join a club. Through a range of fun activities and exercises the junior superstars get to make new friends whilst playing Australia’s best game. This, of course, is a winning combination, as it is a great way to teach them a few things about socialising whilst introducing them to one of history’s great sports!
It’s also a fantastic introduction to training
Exercise becomes more important for our health the more we age, and so it’s important to instil an idea of exercise’s importance at an early age. Kids are unfortunately becoming more reliant on artificial entertainment like smart phones and video games, and are doing so at a younger age. Therefore, it’s important to ensure your youngster is one who loves getting out and being active in a healthy way like playing footy.
This program incorporates a host of super fun exercises that take away the tedium from getting out and active. Sure, we might not always want to exercise ourselves, but we know its importance, and it was playing junior sport that helped instil a desire to keep fit and active in our adult lives - Auskick can help do the same for your young superstar!
It teaches life lessons
There are so many wonderful life lessons to be learned from playing footy, and so this awesome program is the perfect place to start. Here, they will learn about everything from discipline to teamwork, leadership skills and humility, all important traits to take into school and then onto professional and family life!
So, as you can see, there are so many benefits to enlisting your young gun into this super fun social event. We all remember those joyous Saturday mornings learning the ropes of this exciting sport, and it’s safe to say your child will have just as much fun as you did learning the great sport of Aussie rules!